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Instructional Videos
created by
Rich Peffer, Unit 169 Game Director

Click HERE for YouTube Video


Video available for “Getting Started with BridgeBase Online”:  Rich Peffer and Cindy Wright have been offering lessons on getting started with BridgeBase Online, and how to navigate and play bridge on this platform.  From this, a video of the 1st session “Getting Started with BBO” is now available via a link below. If you or a friend have not yet started to play bridge on BBO, but would like some help to get started, please click on the link and follow along with this video!  Note:  the video is 28 min in length, but you can pause the YouTube video at any time, or fast-forward ahead to later parts that you want to hear. 


Questions or Comments?  Contact Rich or Cindy at or


Click HERE for information on “Getting Started with BridgeBase Online” (copy and paste, or use link above):

Instructional Videos

created by

Allen Smith, SE Carolina Director


Click HERE for SE Carolina YouTube Channel


YouTube: SE Carolina and WSA have created a YouTube Channel.  We have created the channel to support the Beginner Bridge course as a place to store the Zoom videos of the lessons.  This way, folks that missed the lesson could review at their leisure. Or review a part they wanted to revisit.



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