Latest News
The next Unit game will be the Mentor/Mentee Unit Championship on Saturday, May 3 in Winston-Salem. More​
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A New Minor Forcing class will be held on April 16 and a Michael's and the Unusual 2NT class will be held on May 7. More
Enroll now in Introduction to Slam starting on March 26 and Evening Beginner Bridge class starting in April 3.
Mentoring Season is here. For information on where to play, see article below.
Bridge Classes
Introduction to Slam Wednesdays 9:30 am to noon starting March 26. Flyer
​Evening Beginner Bridge Thursdays 6:30 - 9:00 PM starting on April 3. Flyer
Spotlight on Members
Congratulations to Robert Hale and Joshua Hoffman for winning the March 15 Unit Championship in Greensboro. Congratulations to Randy Joyce and Kay Joyce as well for coming into second place. See more results.
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Congratulations to each member who attained a new rank as of March 1, 2025. Changes in Rank.
Seven BIG GAMES in February. Take a look.
Upcoming Events​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
May 3 - Mentor/Mentee Unit Championship in Winston-Salem.
May 16-18 - Gate City Sectional
Games for newer players​
0-499 Game with free lesson Tuesdays in Winston-Salem
0-199 Game Fridays in Greensboro
0-1000 Game with free lesson Tuesdays in Greensboro
0-20 Game Fridays in Winston-Salem
Tuesday Bridge Club: Social play 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays in Greensboro. More

Introduction to Slam Bidding
Ready to take your bidding to the slam level? If you're familiar with Blackwood but want to expand your slam bidding skills, this class is designed for you. You'll learn the judgment and techniques needed to confidently explore and bid good slams, while also avoiding the pitfalls of bad ones.
The class will be taught by Judy Hellen, a certified ACBL Best Practices teacher, and will consist of five sessions. It's an ideal pre-requisite for 2-over-1. To enroll, students should have approximately 20 masterpoints or around a year of competitive play experience, subject to the instructor's discretion.
Dates: Wednesday mornings, 9:00 am - noon. March 26, April 2, 9, 16, and 23.
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro
Cost: $125 for all five sessions or $30 for any single session
Upcoming Workshops Offered by Cindy Wright
New Minor Forcing class, Wednesday, Aprit 16, 2025 1 - 4 PM​​​​
This convention is used by the responder when the opener (your partner) opens one of a minor, you say one of a major and your partner bids 1NT on their second bid. They have limited their hand to a minimum of 12-14 High Card Points. They don’t have 4 cards in your major or they would have bid two of your major on their second bid. You may have 5 of your Major suit and need to know whether your partner has 3 cards in your suit so that you know whether to play the hand in a NT contract or in your Major. (Remember that a holding of 8 cards in a Major suit is considered a GOLDEN FIT! ) Responder should never bid a 5 card suit twice because this always means a holding of 6 cards.
Michael's and the Unusual 2NT class, Wednesday, May 7, 2025 1 - 4 PM
​These are bids that show “two suited” hands with just one bid when your Right Hand Opponent opens one of a suit. If you do not know these conventions, you have to overcall the higher ranking suit and HOPE that the bidding comes back around to you to be able to bid your other suit. Sometimes the bidding gets too high to be able to bid your second suit or there are 3 passes and you don’t have a chance to bid your second suit.
Ballroom, Georgia-Taylor Recreation Center
1471 West Clemmonsville Road
Winston-Salem, NC
$30 (cash or check) for each workshop.
Payments may be made to Cindy Wright in person or by mail to 189 Golden Bear Lane, Clemmonsville, NC, 27012.You may register for one or both workshops.
Powerpoint presentations will be shown as well as bridge hands that go along with the lesson. Handouts will be provided.​​​​​​

Evening Beginner Bridge Lessons
​Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction is scheduled for evening classes starting April 3 with Rich Peffer as instructor. This course is the place to learn about modern bidding and the basics of play of the hand as well as defense. It is designed for those who are new to bridge, those who want to re-enter the game (remember college) or those who would like a structured review to get your game on track. For more detailed information click here.
Dates for classes: April 3, 10, 24, and May 1. Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Location: Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro.
Cost: $100 for all four sessions
Registration: Contact Rich Peffer at or 336-402-5367
An accompanying book is recommended and can be purchased at a discount at the first session.​​
Special Evening Games for Beginner Players
Rich Peffer will be hosting two evening games in April and May at Fellowship Presbyterian Church. The start time is 6:30 pm​​​
On Wednesday, April 16, there will be a Rubber Bridge Game for Beginners. This game will give the students from the Beginning Bridge class a chance to apply what they have learned so far. Other players are invited to join.
On Thursday, May 8, there will be a Pupil Game. This is a special introduction to duplicate where you even have a chance to win your first ACBL masterpoints. Anyone interested in finding out what a duplicate game is all about is invited to join.
Each of these games are free of charge! Please contact Rich if you are interested in playing but don't hestitate to show up at the last minute.
Unit Games
Complete 2025 Unit Calendar​​​​​​​​​
Next Game: May 3, Winston-Salem
A Mentor/Mentee Unit Championship Game will be held Saturday, May 3, 2025, at Georgia Taylor Recreation Center, 1471 Clemmonsville Road in Winston-Salem.
Results: March 15
Our Unit Championship Game on Saturday, March 15 had 11 tables..
First place overall went to Robert Hale and Joshua Hoffman winning 4.45 masterpoints. Second place went to Randy Joyce and Kay Joyce with 3.34 masterpoints. Congratulations to all!
Click HERE for results for all Unit Games available on Live for Clubs under club number 275628.
Click HERE for Unit Game Calendar and information.
Mentoring Kickoff Season Is Here!
The 2025 Unit 169 Mentoring Program is taking on a different look from previous years. We believe the changes will lead to more effective mentoring. We start with a Kickoff Season which closely follows the old program and lasts about four months. Then we want to continue with two more seasons during the rest of the year. Mentees can request a Mentor for any season. The Mentoring Coordinators are:​​
​Martha and Mark Meyer in Winston-Salem or 336-416-3049 or 336-416-6998
Chris Kendall in Greensboro or 251-424-2501​
​Contact a coordinator to request a mentor or to volunteer to be a mentor.​
Cindy Wright in Winston-Salem and Peter Boyd-Bowman in Greensboro are offering special games/sections where Mentor-Mentee pairs can play outside the open game. These opportunities are a real plus.
M-M Games in Winston-Salem
Cindy will open a side M-M game every Monday from February 10 to March 24. Please turn in your names to Cindy so she will know to prepare an extra set of boards. The game is at Georgia Taylor Recreation Center at 12:30 pm.
Cindy will also change her side game on Tuesday into a Four-Is-Enough side game. See the explanation of this type of game below. The game is at South Fork Community Center at 1:00 pm.
M-M Games in Greensboro
Peter will have Four-Is-Enough games each Tuesday during February through May. The game is at Fellowship Presbyterian Church at 10:00 am. This is a shorter game that finishes around 12:45 pm.
What is a Four-Is-Enough Game?
Each individual player falls into one of three strats defined by the director. For example,

Every two person pair has combined ratings of no more than four.

Tuesday Bridge Club
Triad Bridge Club is offering local bridge players a chance to play this great game, but in a more relaxed, less competitive environment. The Tuesday Bridge Club will be held on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays of every month at 1:30 pm at our club home, Fellowship Presbyterian Church, 2005 New Garden Rd, Greensboro.
The Tuesday Bridge Club will NOT be a duplicate format. Instead, it will just be "friends playing cards," having fun, talking and learning about this wonderful game. Our initial games will be shuffle-and-deal, no prepared boards, but that may change later. This should be a REALLY open and fun experience for players of all skill levels.
Peter Boyd-Bowman, Barbara Pomer, Judy Hellen, and Andy Symmes will be your hosts. The cost is free. However, there are still costs involved for the club (rent, coffee, cards, etc.) so a suggested donation of $5 is appreciated.
For more information, contact Barbara Pomer at at 336-202-1299 or Peter Boyd-Bowman at
(336) 686-3680 /

Unit 169 Boosters
Our mission is to provide challenging and fun bridge tournament experiences for Central Carolina Bridge Association members.
Our focus is to successfully execute four quality bridge tournaments each year. This entails using great venues with easy access and parking, clean facilities, providing appropriate snacks and beverages, and using qualify ACBL directors. In order to achieve this goal, we need additional financial support.
We are asking our friends who love this game to help. The cost of hosting a quality tournament has increased and, as we build back our attendance at our tournaments, entry fees do not completely cover our cost. Therefore, we are seeking a yearly contribution from those who can and are willing to help Unit 169.
By securing appropriate funding up front, we can plan and budget appropriately for each tournament. There will be recognition and appreciation events for those who join.
We hope you will support us. We appreciate checks in the amount of your choosing, made payable to:
“Central Carolina Bridge Association”
and mailed to
2318 Kirkpatrick Place, Greensboro NC 27408
Please contact Dixie Culver, Unit Secretary/Treasurer, at: or (336) 457-7107 if you have any questions.
District 7 Website
"District 7 News" - January thru March
Per Jane Champion, District 7 Secretary:
"The District 7 Board of Directors met in Myrtle Beach on December 30, 2023 where the board approved an increase in entry fees at all regionals from $14.00 per player session to $15.00, effective in Hilton Head. This increase is due to an increase that ACBL is charging for Technical Directors staffing the tournaments.
The new entry fee will go into effect in Hilton Head and still represents (or matches) the lowest regional tournament entry fee charged by any other District in the USA."
Per Blondelle Grant, District 7 Growth & Development Chair:
"District 7 has allocated funds to support local activities designed to grow our bridge community. Funding opportunities are now open to our Clubs." Click HERE for details and guidelines.
Click HERE for the new "Find a Tournament" featuring Entry Express
Click HERE for District 7's Goodwill Message
Click HERE for the list of National Charity Committee Members appointed by D7 Directors. Unit 169 members include: Cindy Wright - Clemmons NC (2019), Bob and Claudia Hale - Greensboro NC (2018) and Marion Secrest - Winston-Salem NC (2002 - deceased)

ACBL Website
"Bridge Bulletin" Online
Free ACBL Guest Membership for 120 Days
Click HERE to get started!
You’re just steps away from joining the world’s biggest and best community of bridge lovers! Soon you’ll be playing bridge, winning masterpoints, and reading the renowned Bridge Bulletin magazine.
Weekly email with bridge tips from Patty
Ability to earn up to 20 masterpoints
Digital access to the Bridge Bulletin
Special pricing of $29 for the first year of regular membership if they are a guest member first
Many Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement Plans recognize the power of social fitness activities, such as bridge, and seek to reward participants. Grouper (formerly Element3 Health) collaborates with these plans to encourage individuals to remain physically, socially, and mentally active. That’s why the ACBL has partnered with Grouper—to encourage more people to play and have fun. Through our partnership with Grouper, any ACBL members who are also enrolled in an eligible health plan can receive a free year of ACBL membership. It’s easy get started. Visit the Grouper website to sign up for the program and check your eligibility with your health plan. (Have your health plan ID ready as you go through the process.) Start here